On the last school day we surprised our students.
We set up a makeshift photo studio and took pictures of each student and the staff. After the traditional last school day meal of fried puries, veg curry and lots of rice pudding with fruit salad each student received together with the certificate the printed photo in a bag with the name of the school printed on it.
One hundred portraits, hundred bags, thousands of smiles. Now we ll all enjoy some rest, see you after the holidays!
We have new postcards
This edition was made thanks to Asas da Imaginaçao, Brasil.
Opening of the School park
In this way they may escape the cycle of poverty through their own strength and take their lives into their own hands.

In the month of February we finally had the opening of our school park and nursery! The children made a great show with songs, theatre plays and dance...we even saw a great version of a Michael Jackson's song dance!!

In the month of February we finally had the opening of our school park and nursery! The children made a great show with songs, theatre plays and dance...we even saw a great version of a Michael Jackson's song dance!!